Medical Marijuana

Medical Marijuana

Cannabis is one of the fastest-growing industries in the USA. Marijuana sales in North America reached $6.73 billion in 2016 - 34% more than 2015. By 2021, sales are expected to jump to $25 billion.

Products of the Week

Products of the Week

Medical marijuana products include tinctures, edibes, ointments & are available with a huge range of THC and CBD concentrations. 10mg of THC can be considered “one serving”.

Medical Marijuana Hotline

Medical Marijuana Hotline

Real people to talk to. Despite the stereotype of marijuana users as burned-out teens munching on Doritos, today, the fastest growing demographic of cannabis users is actually baby boomers & senior citizens.

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What is Medical Marijuana?

“Medical marijuana is the medical use of the Cannabis sativa or Cannabis indica plant to relieve symptoms of, or treat diseases and conditions. The Cannabis plant was used medically for centuries around the world until the early 1900s. Medical marijuana facts can be difficult to find because strong opinions exist, both pros and cons.

What are THC and CBD?

THC or tetrahydrocannabinolis the psychoactive compound in marijuana. It is responsible for the “high” people feel. There are two man-made drugs called dronabinol (Marinol) and nabilone (Cesamet) that are synthetic forms of THC. They are FDA-approved to prevent nausea and vomiting in people receiving chemotherapy.

CBD or cannabidiol is another compound in marijuana that is not psychoactive. CBD is thought to be responsible for the majority of the medical benefits.

THC:CBD: A specific plant extract with an equal ratio of THC:CBD. It is approved for the treatment of multiple sclerosis, spasticity, neuropathic pain, overactive bladder and other indications.

Medical marijuana products are available with a huge range of THC and CBD concentrations. Expert opinion states that 10mg of THC should be considered “one serving” and a person new to medical marijuana should inhale or consume no more until they know their individual response.”
